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adventures like these

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

This is amazing. It's from a couple of years ago, but passed by my eyes again this morning on Twitter and I had to share it. Nature is astonishing!  And scary - these birds are so beautiful in flight but I would have been freaking out!! (this is what makes it an adventure…) I'm sure if I was in that canoe I would have sworn as much or more as these two.

still January!

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014


How are things?

For me, they are good. Here's right now:

  •  I just finished my temporary position at work and resume my regular schedule this week. I was happy for the opportunity and the $$, but will also be glad to get out in the stacks and back to my super flexible schedule again. 
  • I just (yesterday!) had two teeth extracted and am all propped up in a chair with pillows and blankets and a cat, fulfilling my medically advised "take it easy" prescription. I also have a face swollen like a chipmunk and the Lortab is making me itch, but it's all to a greater good so I'm down with it. PLUS, did I mention the blankets, the cat, the pillows, the book, the laptop, etc. 
  • I am deeply covetous of some expensive boots. I tell myself I don't need them (I don't) but then I see them disappearing slowly from the internet and I get a little panic in my feet. The mystery of late winter will be whether or not dollar logic prevails over boot desires. 
  • State of the Union tonight! I will be watching, will you? 
Like many, I'm not one for a list of specific resolutions, but there are some new year things that I'm thinking about. Such as…

  • this William Morris quote: “If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
  • while I was looking for that, I found ANOTHER Morris quote that speaks to me right now: “A good way to rid one's self of a sense of discomfort is to do something. That uneasy, dissatisfied feeling is actual force vibrating out of order; it may be turned to practical account by giving proper expression to its creative character.”
  • Making time for long books. 
  • wardrobe overhaul. More on this soon - I would really like to only keep clothes that I love to wear. This should be doable! (see W.M.'s golden rule above.) 
  • super excited about gardening this year. 
  • making things! clothes quilts jewelry photographs food etc!
  • adventures
  • friends
  • listening to albums and not just songs