I'm sure you knew that July was named for Julius Ceasar, or more likely he named it for himself because with his job he could do stuff like that. It's not like anyone was going to say "Hey, Julius, don't you think that's a little presumptuous?" due to his raging ambition and kinda hot temper and ability to have people killed without much effort. Regardless of how tiresome it probably was to be in Ceasar's entourage ("OMG. what do you think he'll name after himself today?"), July is one of my favorite months, and this year is shaping up to be a good one. Why? Many reasons! Not least of which is Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog by Joss Whedon, the first installment of which arrives on my birthday. Hee hee hee! Or I guess Mwahhaha! is more appropriate. This was conceived of during the writer's strike, read the link above for more (hilarious) details. According to Joss, this is "A supervillain musical, of which, as we all know, there are far too few." Sounds good to me.
happy, July!
(July 1st is also James Cain's birthday! Why not watch Double Indemnity in his honor? I know he didn't write the screenplay, but he wrote the novella and besides... Barbara Stanwyk in a cheap blonde wig!!)
(I did not realize that July and April always start on the same day of the week! Is that really true? It was true this year, but it sounds like crazy made-up Wikipedia science...)
Law of Sympathy, i.e. the assumption that things act on one another at a distance through a secret link, due either to the fact that there is some similarity between them or to the fact that they have at one time been in contact, or that one has formed part of the other.
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