It was bananas today at work! I only worked 5 hours (3-8), but it was go go go go go from the moment I stepped into the building. We were closed yesterday so the book drop was a tremendous volcano of material all day long, etc. etc. etc. AND YET it was an awesome day. I got to give a little boy his first library card - he was half-shy, which means he let me talk to him and would talk some in return, but he had hold of his mom's jacket so he could pull on it if he got into a bind. ADORABLE. Then I replaced a card for a six year old who really REALLY wanted a new card, but wouldn't say why. Her mom told me it was because she had baby handwriting on her old card and it embarrassed her - so, I switched it out. She was very pleased at how much better her name looked. Then I got to sign up at least three adults for library cards. It's funny how some days I don't do any, and other days I do a lot.
NORA "I Remember Nothing" EPHRON UPDATE: I did continue reading (but only at work on my break) and it got so much better! Maybe it's just the first chapter that's Andy Rooneyesque. The chapter I just read was about her life as a young journalist for the Post, which was fascinating. Quotes when I have it in front of me. FUN FACT: she dated Charles Portis of True Grit (the novel) fame. But I haven't read any of his books yet.
(the photo above is of a finger of lake Billy Chinook in the Cove Palisade State Park. It was in the summer and doesn't really have anything to do with anything I wrote today. I just like the ribbon of road to the left of the lake. Further left - out of frame - is a waterfall.)
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