It's sunny today and might even get to 90 degrees, which will be the first time this year!!! To celebrate, I ate my cereal on the front step, which is where the sun hits first. Busby the cat joined me and helped take this picture. My part was to aim the screen at these beautiful cactus flowers and hope for the best - it's really bright out and my screen is COVERED in fingerprints (how? why? I don't even know) so I couldn't really see. Busby's part was to swish his tail in front of the flower, which I believe provided that artistic blur in the lower left corner.
I think our second try was more successful. Then he stood in a pot of chives but got distracted when some jays started fighting in the cedar tree. (fighting? maybe that's just how they talk to each other.)
Let's see... other news of the morning: I am reading a terrible book that has sold millions of copies - Wicked Appetite by J. Evanovich. The good news is, there aren't many words per page so I'll be done soon. I should just quit, but now I'm half way through and am sort of enjoying my irritation and trying to figure out why it just isn't working for me. Thoughts so far: clunky exposition, limited vocabulary, characters have very little depth or shading. Some of the dialogue is fast and funny, but it's superficial - you'd think the plot would maybe kick in to compensate but so far it hasn't. The premise has potential and I've read and enjoyed some of the author's other work, but this is all gloss and no substance.
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