pink moon

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Sunday, January 08, 2012

TONIGHT'S MOON STORY: Earlier this evening - right around sunset - I had to run to store for nacho supplies. On my way back to the car with jalepenos in hand, I looked east past the parking lot, the gas station, the drug store, the intersection, and saw a giant pink moon very low on the horizon. It looked like an enormous candy and I wished I could fly so I could rise up above the gas station and zoom over the parking lot to see it against Mt. Hood.  After I got home and the sky was darker, the moon turned from pink to a very warm orangey-tan (sort of like the color of a brown egg) and was rising so fast it felt like I could see it move. Now (post Downton Abbey/ Dowager Countess quip-a-thon), I know it must be gleaming white somewhere above my head but I can't see it due to fog. THE END.
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