three for color

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Saturday, September 05, 2009
I'm almost 2/3 (well, probably more like 5/8) done uploading my pictures -- I'm well into the August beach trip, which means I'm closing in on catching up. Hooray!

Here are a few pictures from the Shore Acres Botanical Gardens. (Did I know Oregon had a state park like this? No, I did not.)

Pretty blue! My fresno aunt is very snobby about these flowers (I can't remember their name) and won't put them in her garden because they use them for planting in the median down there. I think they're lovely.

begonia spiral
I love the fancy leafed begonias a lot.

from the monkey puzzle tree.
1 comment on "three for color"
  1. Why do I now feel like dropping acid? (sounds like something from an "Overheard on Blog Post Comments" site, I know, but...)


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