I am three thousand words from my fifty thousand word goal, and I find myself in yet another brain fugue. There are aspects of this story I love, there are aspects of this story I want to run over repeatedly with my car. Guess which section I am stuck on again? Go ahead. Hint: it's not the section I love. It's my own fault. Why stop to research now, when I have pulled all the rest of it out of my ass? Because research is an effective procrastination tool when you've read everything on the internet twice already? maybe.
I want to finish tomorrow so I can be done with it and get on with the other things that are lurking out there. In all honesty, I thought I would have a job by now and have to be struggling with nano AND a new job. So what do I have to be bitching about? except for the no job/no money corollary? So maybe that's why I am making it extra hard on myself. Who can say?
One further note before I shut off the computer and fall into bed: I no longer think the neighbor is some sort of mad-scientist constructing an aquatic device along the lines of one of Dr. Evil's plans gone wrong. This makes me sad.
I want to finish tomorrow so I can be done with it and get on with the other things that are lurking out there. In all honesty, I thought I would have a job by now and have to be struggling with nano AND a new job. So what do I have to be bitching about? except for the no job/no money corollary? So maybe that's why I am making it extra hard on myself. Who can say?
One further note before I shut off the computer and fall into bed: I no longer think the neighbor is some sort of mad-scientist constructing an aquatic device along the lines of one of Dr. Evil's plans gone wrong. This makes me sad.
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