thursday bullet points

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Thursday, February 17, 2011
• Last night our team won at trivia - this is exciting because there were only two of us (we're usually at least 4)  vs. 7 other teams. WOOOO! Then I wonder if being so excited about winning trivia isn't a little sad, then I'm sad that I would think that. (It's sad times here in my brain - I'm just lookin' for excuses to be disappointed, which is ... sad.)

• I think all this brain sad is coming out of some job anxiety - they're doing a recruitment soon that I will (finally!)  be eligible for and I'm torn between thinking YES, THIS IS MY CHANCE, HURRAH in all caps and thinking that I will screw it up in some wah wah sad trombone Charlie Brown fashion. I have to give myself a Cher-slap snap out of it talk and I'll be able to focus. Just expressing the worry helps.

• More book write-ups soon! I have the rest of my 2011 books mostly caught up, I just need to find pictures and delete as many exclamation points as I can without passing out. (aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!) Then 2010  - or maybe I'll mix it up. Who knows what could happen?!

• I want new clothes, but I don't feel like shopping or sewing. In the meantime, I'm making new combinations out of what I already have. It's fun, but I'm ready to do a massive closet cull and start over. I think this is an early symptom of spring fever.

• Started reading Nora Ephron's new essay collection on my break today. Have made horrifying discovery that she may, in fact, be Andy Rooney.  Although if she were Andy Rooney the book would probably be called "Newfangled? No, Thanks." instead of "I Remember Nothing."We'll see - I'm not sure I'm going to finish reading it this time around.
3 comments on "thursday bullet points"
  1. I just watched an Andy Rooney "segment" on 60 Minutes for the first time and I think my mouth was hanging open from start to finish. That you think Nora and Andy might be some Norandy is frightening and endlessly entertaining for some reason.

  2. HA HA! I'm love picturing your stunned Rooney reaction. I often spend the "segment" giving a double bird salute to the TV.

  3. He might be old, so I am sure some people cut him some slack for being so crotchety and all of that, but that is no excuse. He is a throwback, and they can have him back.


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