bee news

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Sunday, April 08, 2012
grape hyacinth

  • My neighbors with the huge double (triple, maybe) lot just put in EIGHT (8!) beehives. I'm excited! Bees are good news for all the gardens on my street, and there are a lot of gardens on my street. Lots of people digging up lawn and putting in flowers and vegetables - I'm for it. 
  • other neighbors (original bee neighbors) have turned their backyard into a clover meadow, or at least part of it. It's so pretty. I can see most of it from an upstairs window, but I got to see a little sliver of it yesterday retrieving Young Otis (the kitten), who when allowed a few minutes of outside time promptly used to run around like a maniac. 
  • I put up my little mason bee box today! 
  • I'm eager to see how the bee populations get along this summer. Lots of honey bees (obviously), my little mason bees (hopefully), and then the great big black and white bumbles.

I am so tired! The weather here has been AMAZING for the past two days - such a nice reprieve after a week of cold mean rain/hail. Yesterday we went to the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden, which was lovely even though I forgot 1) sunscreen and 2) to check camera for SD card. So I got a sunburn and no photos, but it was so wonderful I didn't even care. The rhodies aren't really blooming yet, but there are other spring blooming things like willow trees and toad lilies, plus lots of waterfowl. (will duck butts in the air ever not be funny? I can't imagine.) I'm going to go back on Tuesday or Wednesday when it is free, less crowded, and I have my camera. 

Today I spent the morning/afternoon doing some sapling removal. The birds planted a filbert and a hawthorne,  the horse chestnut tree keeps trying to replicate itself in the ground all around it, the laurel jumped the fence - all big enough that it was heavy, dirty work.  (Let us not speak of the blackberries.)  It looks so much better now, but I am way out of shape and SO TIRED. 

The photo at the top is of grape hyacinth. They're starting to bloom right now (this photo is from another year) and are beautiful. Happy Easter and Passover to those who celebrate!
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