typing my fingers to the bone and other lies

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Thursday, June 26, 2008
I can't believe it's been a week since my last post! I wish I could say I've been busy on an EPIC PROJECT of mind-blowing proportions, but... as the illustrations indicate, I've been doing important things like taking pictures of my hands with the photobooth feature of my laptop. ha ha ha. (even this is a lie!!! the x-ray one I took ages ago.)

(let the record show that I have very square palms and am lacking in the long elegant finger department. My sister has hands just like my mom (with long crooked fingers), and my hands look just like my dad's did. Genetics = freaky.)

Anyway! I have been busy doing fun things (strawberry picking, beach going, reading, migraine recovery) and unfun things (migraine, laundry, filing) and will have more details, fun links and other miscellanea soon. Right now I have to go run around and clean up since tonight is crafty night and there are currently no clear surfaces ANYWHERE. (where is my house cleaning robot of the future??? the future is now and I'm lazy!! although I'd probably end up with a surly house cleaning robot that did no cleaning and in fact made a huge mess building model rockets in the kitchen. ha ha ha. yeah, I guess I'll go do it myself.)

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