video happy

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010
ONE: This video by the mynabirds!! I love the song, I LOVE the color (I think I need to buy some new colored tights), I love the balloons and confetti. Enjoy the video in small size here (or full screen if you hit that button that is where it is) or lovely medium size over on pitchfork tv. (via fluxtumblr, which I love to read.)
(edit: this video does not show up in a feed, so if that's how you're reading this click through or click on some of those other links to see it - it's worth it!)

(Beyond the balloons and the confetti, I kind of love how the confetti/balloon girls only leave him be once he's accepted that he can't get rid of them. WHIMSY DETENTE!)

TWO: This Improv Everywhere mission hits the library/silliness/good natured sweet spot for me. (via color me katie, which is a fun blog to look at!) (I love that at one point you can see a guy mouthing "what the fuck?", which seems a perfectly appropriate reaction when a ghost sits down and opens up his laptop to look up this.)

THREE: I've about had it with all these literary/montster mashups, but this trailer made me laugh out loud. And not just a little tee hee, but a loud involuntary hootbark of laughter.

via Alyssa Rosenberg who says: "So. There's a vampire. Who fought with Hamlet over Ophelia. In real life. And now he wants to resurrect Hamlet so they can end the feud.  And Det. Cyrus Lupo, from the now-defunct Law & Order appears to be investigating these events. Which are mostly taking place in a theater company.  This may be the greatest postmodern black hole of the Culture of Our Time:"

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