I did not do a good job blogging every day! Good thing it doesn't matter. I am trying this thing where I either a) forgive myself or b) try not to blame myself at all for dumb stuff that no one cares about.
ANYWAY. I ended up working a bunch more than I planned because people were sick and I felt guilty (note: I did not make them sick! I just have a generally guilty conscience for no good reason) and I also like my job and money. All of this to say: Holiday season so far is pretty good. I've seen a lot of friends, have hopes to see more and fa la la la la. I have eaten too much junky delicious and just plain junky food. What I most want to do is sit on this lovely long couch in front of the christmas tree (where I am this very minute, 11:59 12/22) in my pajamas and read books for a week, but seeing people is good too.
Speaking of couches and reading for a week - I had the most lovely patron interaction this last week. A petite and stylish lady of middle years came up to the desk where I was working and heaved a giant bag of books up and started unpacking. Because we are not supposed to talk specifics about what people are checking out unless they initiate it (patron privacy) I said "it looks like you had some success browsing!" She said (in a delightful french accent) that she had just finished a stressful bout at work and she and her husband were going to a cabin with no tv and no phone where she planned to lie on the couch all week and read novels. "I don't even know if I'll open all of these, let alone read them." I said something about how it was just nice to have the luxury of choice and she said that she loved LOVED the library because it "makes me feel rich" to be able to take out 15 books that she may or may not read and that her husband was doing the same thing for music and she felt very indulged indeed. There's a holiday for you! We wished each other joy of the season and off she went. I'm so lucky that many of my interactions are of a similar nature, if not quite so lined up with my exact personal feelings.
SO, I may or may not post again before Christmas but whether I do or not know I am wishing you well, wherever you are. May you find your equivalent available luxury!